Friday, February 19, 2010

Solving the Most Common Bridal Gown Emergencies

My friends over at Margaret's Cleaners sent me these helpful tips on how to solve the most common Bridal Gown emergencies.

Broken Bustle

A quick fix is to loop-pin it with a safety pin. Pin
five or six safety pins to the underside of your gown
where they will not show & will be accessible. (It is
worth spending a little more to have a French/Under
bustle made, as these are stronger than the
Pickups/Over bustle. They do not break as easily.)
Torn Strap, Ripped Hem or Seam
Make sure you have a needle and thread of the same
color. Safety pins will work. Tape and staples can
damage the gown.

Missing Beads, Sequins or Pearls

Most likely no one will notice if it’s just a few missing
but you should carry some just in case. If there
are missing beads, tie a double knot next to the bead
and snip off the excess thread.


DO NOT CUT snags off. This can leave a hole in
the material. Simply pull the material back and forth
gently, moving and flattening the snag until it goes
back in place.

Dirt, Grease, Lipstick Marks, Wine Stains & more.

The type of material the gown is made of will determine
how to treat it. If the gown is made of artificial
fiber such as polyester, there is a much less chance of
damaging the material. If the gown is made of silk
or rayon, it can be water-sensitive and you can end
up with permanent water spots or shine removal.
Shiny dresses, especially silk can become “bruised” if
you rub the fabric. Rubbing can change the texture
of the shine and is usually irreversible.

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